Untitled (Homage to Andrea & Robert Frank), 2021, archival inkjet print , 156x123 cm

This piece was taken with a camera that used to belong to legendary photographer Robert Frank. It is constructed out of photographs of Cupressuses that grow in cemeteries, stitched to photographs of blue skies with jet-contrails. I received it from Ilanit Konopny. Ilanit and Robert Frank were good friends until his death, and on one of her visits to his house in New York he gave her a small, simple camera. Ilanit gave me the camera as part of an initiative she originated during which this same camera would migrate between different photographers, each of whom would use it to explore different dimensions of Robert Frank’s work.

I was searching for an entry into his mythology, which I finally found by way of his daughter, Andrea, who was killed during a plane crash in Guatemala, 1974.
In many regards I am creating a homage dedicated to his daughter. 
